Updated 2021-12-15
Dear customer,
The systems affected by this vulnerability are:
An exhaustive list of products affected by this vulnerability is available via this link.
- Apache Log4j versions 2.0 à 2.14.1
- Apache Log4j versions 1.x (deprecated versions) if the JMS Appender component is configured to support JNDI (this is a very specific configuration)
- Products using a vulnerable version of Apache Log4j
- Upgrade log4j to version 2.15.0 where possible, or approach vendors whose product uses a vulnerable Log4J to get a patch.
- Temporary protection measures are applicable while waiting for the patch:
- For applications using versions 2.7.0 and later of the Log4J library it is possible to protect against any attack by modifying the format of the events to be logged with the syntax %m{nolookups} for data that would be provided by the user. This modification requires modifying the Log4J configuration file to produce a new version of the application. This requires the technical and functional validation steps to be carried out again before the deployment of this new version.
- For applications using versions 2.10.0 and later of the Log4J library, it is also possible to protect against any attack by changing the formatMsgNoLookups configuration parameter to true, for example when launching the Java virtual machine with the option -Dlog4j2.formatMsgNoLookups=true. Another alternative is to remove the JndiLookup class in the classpath parameter to eliminate the main attack vector (researchers do not rule out the existence of another attack vector).
- A tool was recently released that allows hot modification of JVMs without the need to restart the JVM, more information here. This tool allows the hot bypass of the vulnerability, it does not dispense with applying the configuration (mentioned below) in hard in the JVM configuration. So when your JVMs restart, they will definitely take the bypass configuration.
- IPS Signatures specific to this vulnerability have been blocked on AntemetA front-end IPS allowing perimeter protection of the AntemetA Cloud.
- For AntemetA SOC customers, specific monitoring alerts for this vulnerability are in place.
Find the ANSSI bulletin on this link.
Sincerely yours,
Your AntemetA customer service.
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